Initial Visual Paint Inspection:
*Visual inspection of interior painted surfaces required by HUD, EPA, and the NYC Local Law 1 to identify and fix lead paint hazards in buildings built before 1960 and or between 1960 and 1978, that have three or more units, and where a child under the age of six resides.
*N. J . DCA, Lead based paint in Rental Dwellings ruling, (P. L. 2021,c182)
This inspection typically lasts between 30 to 60 minutes.
Lead Based Paint with XRF
Non-destructive method of testing for Lead Based Paint. An X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzer (XRF) is used to read the lead levels in paint. Inspection completion time depends on the size of the area and amount of rooms being tested.
Dust Wipe Test:
Tests for lead levels in dust found in the home often and most commonly done after renovation and cleaning is performed. This checks for any remaining evidence of lead dust in the residence. Samples are collected via Ghost Wipes and sent to a lab for analysis. Results are then evaluated to determine if the fall within the EPA acceptable limits.
Asbestos Testing:
Material samples are collected and sent to a laboratory for analysis to determine the presence or absence of asbestos. This is commonly done prior to renovations and or to determine the presence of ACBM (asbestos containing building materials).
Water Testing:
Water can be tested for many conditions such as potable (drinking water), sewage, contamination, heavy metals, and chemicals.
Mold and Moisture Assessment:
Inspections and or assessments can be conducted depending on the particular moisture event for example, plumbing failures, floods caused by weather events, pipe condensation, roofing failures, etc.
Indoor Air Quality:
Typically needed when the occupants of a building complain of odors and other concerns that disrupt their work or living environments. As with moisture assessments there can be many possible causes including, but not limited to, HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning).
Healthy Housing and Allergen Inspections:
As we spend more of our time inside, there is a growing concern that the indoor environment may be negatively impacting occupant health. We help recognize risk factors and use healthy housing principle knowledge to fix issues before they lead to major health problems. We use the eight principles of healthy housing, which include; keep it clean, dry, pest-free, contaminant-free, safe, ventilated, comfortable, and maintained. Now is a great time to learn about ways our homes can both compromise and enhance our health.
These inspections are performed for you and your family's safety, as well as for your work environment, and are thoroughly followed according to the required city, state, and federal protocols.
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